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Treatment concept

When you have arranged an appointment (+43 1 710 38 26 for Vienna, +43 676 6960033 for Korneuburg), please download and complete the patient questionnaire, which can be found here, and bring it with you for your inital consultation. At your first visit, I will discuss pre-existing conditions, previous illnesses and in particular, earlier urological afflictions.

During the course of your treatment, depending on your reports of your current condition, further diagnostic measures may be indicated (i.e. X-Ray, ultrasound, blood samples).

After analysis of the medical findings, I will build an individual therapeutic regimen for you. You will receive a letter and a folder containing comprehensive information about your medical evaluation and findings. This material is provided to enhance your understanding and provide documentation that you can bring to follow-up appointments or visits to other doctors.


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Online appointments

Book an appointment at the offices of Christopher Springer, M.D, MBA via our secure and quick online appontment service